Conference 2010
Perspectives of the Insurance market in the Republic of Macedonia, Ohrid 2010
It is our pleasure to invite You to the IInd Insurance conference which will take place in Ohrid, Hotel “Gorica” ( in the period between 6th and 8th October 2010.
The subject of the Conference “ Perspectives of the Insurance market in the Republic of Macedonia “, will be covered from experts from different sectors in the Republic as well as from abroad.
On the Conference the presenters will put their attention on the following topics:
1. Single price policy and liberalization of the Compulsory Insurance market
2. Uninsured vehicles
3. Establishment of the Criteria for the intangible claims settlement
4. Review of the TPL Insurance and Green Card situation
5. Conclusions
The material will be available at the end of the Conference.
The Conference Agenda, attendance form and all remaining information can be obtain from the our employee Elizabeta Radenkovic on the following e-mail