The duties of the National Insurance Bureau, according article 52 from the Law for Compulsory Traffic Insurance are the following:
1. to work in compliance with the International Insurance Treaties regarding the liability coming from the owners of motor vehicles (green card) and it represents the insurance companies in front of the International organizations and foreign insurance companies;
2. to print and issue International Green Cards for its members need;
3. to establish the supplementary premium for issuing international green cards;
4. to make insurance statistical standards;
5. to act for mutual interests for both the member companies and the Statute of the Bureau, and also other things for which it have authorization from its members;
6. to keep records of insurance brokers and brokerage insurance companies;
7. to establish code of conduct for the insurance companies;
8. it collaborates with other authorities regarding insurance topics and
9. other things in compliance with this law.
The National Insurance Bureau, according article 58 from the Law for Compulsory Traffic Insurance, constructs Guarantee Fond which is used for settling claims.
From 01.01.2006, in the scope of the Bureau it will start to work an Information Center, whose purpose will be to keep record of the registered motor vehicles and trailers and to give information to the damaged parties for the insurance of the vehicles that caused damages.